
“Time, Space and Mobility”

International Conference

20-22 January 2017 – Warsaw, Poland
organised by Interdisciplinary Research Foundation

Interdisciplinary Research Foundation is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming Online International Conference ‘Time, Space and Mobility’. The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the conference topic. We invite proposals from various disciplines including philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, culture studies, literature and architecture. The language of the conference is English.

The conference will explore space and time as fundamental categories of human experience and cognition and it will discuss various interpretations of these categories from interdisciplinary perspectives. The conference will also examine conceptions and perceptions of time and space in relation to memory, historical and social change, technological innovations, interactivity and cultural differentiation.

Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
• time and space boundaries
• monuments and historical sites
• globalization and urban spaces
• places made by nature
• ruins and forgotten places
• heterotopias and heterochronies
• toponymy and topoanalysis
• cartography and mapmaking

Proposals up to 250 words and a brief biographical note should be sent by 10 January 2017 to: spatiality.temporality@irf-network.org. Download Paper proposal form.

The submitted papers will be presented on the conference website where they will be available to all registered participants from 20 to 22 January 2017. Every registered participant will have the access to all published papers and will be able to leave comments, exchange opinions and reflections below each paper.

The papers presented at the conference will be published in the post-conference volume (eBook with ISBN number) assessed by external reviewers. Every participant will receive a certificate of attendance.

 Full registration fee – 70 €         Student registration fee – 50 €